Our Family

Our Family
Baby Levi

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The past 24 hours....

The past 24 hours has been filled with great news and hope! Here are the highlights as we are exhausted and need to go to bed!
  • Levi has been eating well. We are frequently supplementing him with bottle feedings... but he is eating like a tiger! Our hope is to be able to work up to breast feeding exclusively... he has been nursing well.
  • Levi has been pooping on his own. In fact today he shot poo across the room! His poop has now become the yellow seedy poop associated with breastfeeding. This is such wonderful news since there was a question about his ability to poop on his own.
  • Levi has been off the IV for 24 hours now and the PIC line was removed yesterday! It is so nice to hold him without the IV in his head.
  • Today the nurse began talking about discharge. We will need to see how Levi does with feedings the next couple of days and he needs to pass the car seat evaluation (this is where he will need to be able to sit in his carseat for 2 hours without having trouble breathing). The doctor said that it is possible that he may be able to come home this weekend. Pray that he can continue to eat well, digest well and pass his carseat test.
We are so excited and eagerly anticipate the day Naomi will get to meet her little brother.


  1. YES! I have goosebumps, I'm so excited. What encouraging news all around!

  2. Praise the Lord! I think I even let out a little cheer for you! :) Angela
