Our Family

Our Family
Baby Levi

Friday, April 1, 2011

33 Weeks = Mixed News

Today I returned to the doctor after a 3 week hiatus.While I enjoyed my time away it was nice to see Levi once again (it is always reassuring to hear his heart and to see him moving). Today began the home stretch. I will now re-start weekly ultrasounds and begin weekly OB appointments. Today's ultrasound was overall positive. Levi appears healthy. His heart was beating at 150. He passed the fetal movement test with flying colors. And he demonstrated practice breaths on the ultrasound.  He has also flipped around and is pointing head down (this is GREAT- though it does pose a question as to whether we will try to have him naturally or proceed with a c-section). All of this is EXCELLENT news!

The one piece of news that brings a little concern is that my amniotic fluid is measuring a bit low. At this stage of pregnancy the medical professionals would like my fluid to be measuring 7 or above on the AFI (Amniotic Fluid Inventory) scale and mine measured at 6.5 today. This could be nothing, but low fluid can be a first warning sign that the placenta is starting to wear out. My doctor has put me on modified bed rest for the weekend and has prescribed an increase in fluid intake. I will be going back in on Monday for another ultrasound to measure the fluid once again. Would you pray with us that Monday's measurement comes back in the normal range and we can proceed routinely?

Thank you for your continued prayers. LEVI is doing WONDERFULLY. The ultrasound tech even called him a "miracle" today. I am still hoping that he can make it until 37 weeks which is a month away!


  1. YES. Praying for a great result Monday! Levi is such a miracle. And great to hear he is head-down now!

  2. Levi- You have surpassed your twin cousins in the length of time you have been in your mommy's womb, & we are so thrilled & grateful for how God keeps working in your life!! We will be praying that you get to stay in there a bit longer!
    Love you all!
