Our Family

Our Family
Baby Levi

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ultrasound - 1/21

This ultrasound was a difficult one. I went in for my routine ultrasound and once again the Acardiac baby had grown. This was certainly not what I was hoping to hear. He is once again about 37% of the healthy baby's weight - a 9% jump from the week before. The doctor was not alarmed at this point. She emphasized that we need to keep going week by week.She reminded me that so far we have not gone beyond this precentage which makes predicting a pattern difficult. I did ask her at what percentage we would start to talk  intervention and she said at 50% we would start to consider how to proceed.

Intervention essentially includes two options. Option 1 is a procedure in which a long needle would be inserted into the vein that is supplying blood between the two babies. The needle is then heated cauterizing the vein and stopping the flow of blood. For this procedure we would need to travel to OH. There is a 30% chance that the amniotic sac would be punctured during the procedure causing early delivery of our healthy guy. Due to the level of risk, this procedure is not an option once I reach 28 weeks due to the increased chance that a premature baby would survive.

Option 2 is early delivery.

I will admit that this day was a difficult one for me. I honestly believe that God's hand is on this child and that he will be born and he will live. What I question is when his due date will be. It is difficult for me to think of having a baby in the NICU and a little one at home. How does a mom balance life between the two? I am praying that God keeps this little one safe and sound in the womb as long as possible and that he gives our family strength to face whatever may come in the future. I especially pray for God's hand on Naomi as we face the unknown future.

There was good news at this appointment. Our healthy little guy is measuring about 5 days ahead of schedule which is GREAT. He is healthy. His hearbeat is normal and he is VERY active! At this time they think he weighs about 1 pound 5 ounces. This may be the one time I am grateful that BIG babies run on my side of the family : ).


  1. Thanks for sharing the updates! I am continuing to pray for God's protection throughout this time!

  2. Praying for you guys, Drew and Sarah!

  3. I just caught up on all the news and prayed for you and both babies this evening. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.
    Love, Judy

  4. You all have been constantly in our prayers since we heard of the problems with your pregnancy. Also, I am asking all my Christian friends and family to keep you, your little boy and your family in their prayers. We pray that you feel God's arms around you sustaining you and supporting you during this time. We will continue to pray!
    With love, Paul & Mary Lewandowski (Jessica's mom)

  5. Thanks for establishing this blog. We are praying for you guys and for the little boy who is growing within. We love you and appreciate your focus on serving a powerful, gracious, and compassionate God. Dad and Mom Pederson

  6. I just caught up on your current journey. I am praying for strength, courage, peace, joy and continual tangible reminders of the power, grace and compassion of God in your life and the lives of your children.

    Love , your friend, Jenny Cushing
